Saturday, August 1, 2015

A heart on two wheels

I went out on one of those "dont care where you're going" rides today. Quite a long one after quite a long time. And as mile after mile of beautiful country roads disappeared behind me with a cool breeze constantly caressing my face, I felt myself leaving behind a lot of things. Worries about injuries, thoughts about the past, anxieties of what the future may hold, anger about being wronged, hurt about being let down, pressures of being someone I'm not, in short a whole lot of baggage seemed to slowly burn away along with the fuel and disappear down the exhausts. All that existed for me was that moment. Me, my bike, the never ending road and all the beautiful sights that flew by. Maybe thats why some people (like me) love riding so much, its a humbling experience that on some good days brings you back to the bare essentials. I don't know if I did a good job describing it, nor do I know if anyone ever will, but I do know that in that moment I was not my past, I was not the image I'm forced to portray to society, I was not what I've achieved in life or what I've failed to be, I was just a boy, with a heart on two wheels.

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