I took a long overdue, much needed break from work, without actually planning what i was gonna do with it. After some rest, my mind naturally drifted to my bike, and before long i was gearing up to hit a highway. When i kick started my Royal Enfield (affectinatley called Silverblaze), with more direction and less destination in mind, poof! I had blown a fuse! A little dismayed with the prospect of not being able to ride, i pushed the bike back in the garage and hung up my jacket and helmet. After checking the wiring, to my suprise i found the electricals rather neglected and in much need of a good overall.
Needless to say, i didnt ride that day but after redoing a lot of wiring, changing fuses (i really should have stopped there), installing a matt black custom cruiser handle, chrome and rubber palm rests, a new air intake system, new bar end rear views, a metal head light grill and a charging and docking mobile phone system and some overall maintenance, i realised i had once again remodelled my bike rather significantly!
In my defense i had pre-ordered most of these new parts, with no aim at the time but collection and possible future use, and only had to take a small trip to the spares store for a few knick-knacks.
So this is what happens if you let a biker alone in his garage for a day, and don't let him ride... Introducing, the new improved, mean and tough looking... Silverblaze 3.0